Tuesday, January 20, 2009


To make things a little easier we have changed our blog site. For all future updates check out:



Monday, January 12, 2009

Big Changes Ahead!

Parea Community is growing and expanding! I am very excited about what has been transpiring in the last few months. We have had some very succesful outreaches where we were able to expose what we do on a consistent basis to members of The Gate church. It is always exciting to see how people respond to a more relational approach to serving the poor; sometimes it catches them off guard, but eventually it turns into a beautiful thing! Most people approach ministry as they approach life: distant, closed off and cordial. Parea takes those things out of the equation. We cannot be succesful at our goal unless we become transparent, loving and gracious.

Parea is also entering into a major transitional period. My wife Tisha and I have been praying about what God's will is for our lives since we were married last September. On February 1st, we will be moving up to Portland, Oregon to expand the ministry of Parea. We are continuing Parea Victorville and Daniel and Juliet Aul will be the point persons in the Victor Valley area. This is a tremendous opportunity to continue building the Kingdom of God among the poor marginalized of our society.

Tisha and I will be partnering and living in intentional community with some incredible folks in the Portland area. We will potentially be working alot with homeless youth and doing ministry oriented things in our neighborhood. Our bicycle ministry that we started in Victorville will be moving to Portland and it will hopefully be a lot more productive as Portland is Bike City, USA. There are literally hundreds of different ministry opportunities that will be ironed out and strategically discussed in the first couple of months we are in Portland. Stay tuned for some very exciting announcements in the future!!!